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Lesson Plans

The following lesson page shows my process in selecting a lesson plan and modifying it to best serve the students and to adequately cover the corresponding ALCOS Standards. I chose a lesson from the Alabama Learning Exchange (ALEX), and changed it to better incorporate technology. I also evaluated each ALCOS standard to select which ones actually related to the activities. Scroll through the slide show to see full explanations of the strengths and weaknesses, along with the rationale behind the changes I made. The link to the original lesson plan is provided. 

Why I Chose This Lesson

1. Incorporates all learning styles.


2. Includes some form of assessment.


3. Engages the students.



Gaps/Weakesses of this Lesson

1. Lack of group work


2. Not all ALCOS Standards connect to lesson objective


3. Lack of technology


This site, and all content displayed on it, were created as part of a class assignment. There is no intent to portray any employment relationship between the author and any school district or school or other employment agency. 

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